Wednesday, April 27, 2016

For me to know and you to find out

That's for me to know and you to find out

My brother used to say this to me any time I asked him a question to which he didn't have an answer or he didn't want to answer.  Or if he  just wanted to annoy me which he usually did.

But I wonder too if it's not the way we should teach kids.

Usually it's "I know the answer and now I will tell it to you." Or "I don't know the answer, here is where you can read about it."  "I am a very modern teacher.  I will show you a movie about it ...on my SmartBoard."  Or at best, "I know the answer and I will tell you exactly how to find it yourself."

I know those are efficient ways of teaching. That's how universities manage to "teach" classes of 500 students at a time or why we often turn to often poorly designed distance education instruction with pages of notes either print or online. "Here's the material. Take it home. Internalize it. We will give you a test.  There, you have learned."

Is this really the best way to learn?

So I'm working on this course.  I have content or I can create it. But do I really just want students to read and watch videos and do a project and write a test?

No. No I don't. 

I want them to think.  I want them to care.

How do I do that?

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